Hi my name is Colleen and at the age of 52 have just been diagnosed with relapsing MS yesterday. I had a severe relapse in November 22 where I had to take myself to A and E and ended up having an MRI scan which showed new lesions within my spinal cord. I then had to wait almost 8 weeks to see a neurologist to diagnose MS. I have had three relapses since 2018.
I have been given the option of starting on Kesimpta or Tecfidera, to try and prevent anymore severe relapses. I’d like to know what anyone’s experience with these drugs are, especially Kesimpta which is what my neuro is recommending.
Hope you can help.
Hi there
I’ve just been diagnosed RRMS and DMTs are available but I’m researching both
One is the infusion ocrevus and the other is injectable ofatumumab
I’m 53
We are late comers and thank god for that
How is your journey so far ?
Hope someone can advise re their experience with DMT
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Newcomer here too at 57
But they have found p anca in my blood so feel i need to go round another loop before treatment.