Newbie and scared.

Hi there,
I am littlemisscornwall. I am 32, almost 33, I have had symptoms of MS for a few years but I have been terrified to get help as I don’t want a label because my Mum died from ‘‘complications from MS’’ and my maternal Gran (mum’s mum) also had MS. Last night was my worse night, i’ve had three episodes this year, this is my third, the last one I contacted my GP but backed out of getting tested as i was too scared. I saw how bad the MS affected my mum and my Gran. My latest symptoms have lasted since last saturday, last night i had electric shock feelings all night, i cannot barely stand up, can’t walk, have pins and needles in my left leg but a bad burning sensation in my lower spine. I am scared its got me too. I don’t want it but the symptoms are all there. I did an online consult this morning to my GP surgery and they called me back and arranged to give me tramadol for short term pain, then once they see me in january, they will get me on something neuro based like gabapentin. I really am struggling with this at the moment as its having a huge impact on my physical health. Not being able to turn over in bed, pain relief i currently have not touching it. I am terrified that once I am labelled, that will be it, I am stuck with something where i lose control of my body. I have the best supportive husband, but its just us, he is visually impaired so I am his carer a lot of the time… How is this happening… this sucks.

Having seen what you’ve seen, no wonder you’re in no hurry to chase a diagnosis. But the big thing that has changed for your generation is that there are now highly effective disease modifying treatments for RRMS and that is just a total game-changer. So if your fears do turn out to be justified, and I hope they don’t, it is no longer a matter of being a sitting duck and waiting to see what RRMS has in store for you. So, paradoxically, that ‘label’ now has a use: access to the drugs that can keep a person as well as she can be.

I’m afraid you are having a horribly worrying time and I do hope that you get to the bottom of things soon. Is your GP referring you to a neurologist?


Just wanting to second what Alison has said.

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