New MS Diagnosis- next steps

Unfortunately my husband just got diagnosed with MS on Friday ( he is only 33). The diagnosis has come very quickly and seemingly out of the blue. He had a MRI scan for some altered hearing issues (ordered by an ENT Dr) which showed up some white spots. After referral to a neurologist a brain and full body scan- there were also lesions on his spine ( he passed the evoked potentials and EMG).

My husband is also exeriencing numbness in both legs (he can still walk) and had a similar episode two years ago and earlier this year some numbness in his feet. On this basis the neurologist has made a diagnosis. This has all happeed within the last month!

Aside from supporting the emotional side of things, I want to make sure he is taking the right next steps health-wise. His symptons are pretty mild right now and we would love to keep it that way.

Any recommendations for the best DMD? I have heard there is a new drug BG12(?) available that might be good.

Also any recommendations for the best Lodnon NHS neurologist to be referred to - the diagnosis was on BUPA but we are not covered for medication so need to move to the NHS. We are based in London and have heard that Dr Rob Brenner is good- any other recommendations?

Grateful for your help with this. We are both very fearful for the future and want to do everything we can to get on top of this disease.

Thanks again

Hi Nylon

i was sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis.

I am also sorry that I can’t help with your specific questions. I have SPMS (so no DMDs) and I don’t live in London.

This is a difficult time for you both but it will get better as you find out more about your husband’s condition and what you are dealing with. MS is not the disease it once was thanks to medical advances both in the treatment of MS itself and also its symptoms.

The best advice I can give you is for you both to stay as positive as you can, to eat healthily and get as much exercise as possible.

Good Luck



Hi, I’m 35 and live in London. I was diagnosed with RRMS nearly 2 years ago. I can’t comment on BG12 as I inject copaxone daily and it works for me. Your neurologist will be able to advise you about BG12. My neurologist is dr Jeremy Chataway who is based at the London hospital of neurology. I saw him the first 3 times through Bupa but now I see him through the NHS. He is amazing. Someone on here actually described him as the Jose Mourinho of neurology and I think they might be right.

Hope that helps x

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Good advice given by Anne, Sorry to hear of your husband’s diagnosis,I am currently waiting to go on this new drug tecfidera (aka B12) my Neurologist spoke highly of it but, again everyone is different, it’s an individual thing. I am going to chat with my ms nurse about this, then hopefully have all the information I need to make an informed choice .

Sorry can’t help with location, not in your area!!

Good luck and take care

Izzy xx