Hi Richard,
I’m sorry to hear about all the pain you’re in.
First of all, are you absolutely sure it’s neuropathic pain? One possible reason neuropathic painkillers (like Gabapentin) might not be doing the trick is it’s not neuropathic.
MS pain can be very complex, and it isn’t all nerve pain, even though that’s often the first assumption by the medics.
I wonder if you’ve tried any ordinary but stronger painkillers, such as codeine, to see if that touches it at all?
On the whole, I’d say I have vey little nerve pain from MS. I have some mild discomfort, such as pins and needles, but it barely counts as pain.
A much greater problem, however, has been constant musculo-skeletal pain - from spasticity.
For this, I take a combination of muscle-relaxants (Baclofen and Diazepam) and conventional painkillers - paracetamol, ibuprofen, and codeine.
Of these, codeine is the most effective, and can be used in any combination with the others (none of them adversely interact with each other).
Unfortunately, I don’t tolerate the codeine well - it tends to make me a bit headachy and nauseous if I use it too frequently - so I’m constantly treading a fine line between managing the pain, and managing the painkiller side effects. It’s not ideal, but I get by with a bit of faffing around.
I have tried Gabapentin before, after coming under a lot of pressure to, because of insistence it must be nerve pain.
I was always sceptical it was, but agreed to try, just in case - sometimes the only way to check which kind of pain it is is to see which drugs it responds to.
Gapapentin made absolutely no difference, from which I concluded I wasn’t dealing with nerve pain, and carried on treating it with conventional painkillers.
I’m not saying they’re a complete solution, and all is well, because of the side effects, but they look like the best I’m going to get.
So if you haven’t already, I’d at least try some ordinary cocodamol, in case you’ve been assuming all the time it’s neuropathic, when it’s actually muscular.
If it responds to conventional painkillers, you might also benefit from muscle relaxants, as they would help relieve muscle tightness which is causing the pain.
If you’ve already tried all this, but it didn’t work, then I’m sorry for suggesting something that was no help. But if you haven’t, it’s worth a try, in case the neuropathic label was wrong.