Neurologist Appointment

Hello everybody

I haven’t been on here for a while, but thought I would check in again to see how everyone is doing in these difficult times.

I haven’t found lock down too much of a chore as I am mainly housebound anyway so not much difference. The main things I am having to get used to is missing my three grandsons dreadfully and having to cope with the fact that my husband is furloughed from work and is at home now.
The other thing that surprised me was the fact that I had a phone call yesterday from my local hospital asking me if I would be available for a telephone appointment with a neurologist today. I was absolutely amazed. I have not seen a neurologist for about three years, mainly due to the fact that I find it difficult to get to the hospital. I have telephone appointments with my ms nurse every 6 months and she is fantastic. I couldn’t believe it but agreed. So today, as agreed, the neurologist rang. He was not my usual neurologist but seemed very nice. He asked me how I was, and all about my medication etc. He said that I would receive another telephone appointment in another 6 months. Has anyone else experienced this. I would have thought with all the things going on in the NHS they would be busier. Usually we are waiting months to get a neuro appointment.

I received a text letter telling me I have a telephone appointment with my nurse at the end of May, I must admit I was surprised too, but have agreed to it, I just think where they can their doing it this way to keep on top of things, x

Hi Nanny McPhee,

Nice to see you back.

I have an annual appointment with my MS nurse and another with neurologist.

This year I had a telephone appointment with my neurologist - so much easier than going to the hospital.

Meant I could write all my questions down. I usually do but then don’t get the list out!

Unless he has to do any physical tests - walking speed was one once. I’m happy with a telephone appointment. Then if needed I can be asked to the hospital.

Drs are doing more too even before Coronavirus. Much more time efficient.


Hi, I think an annual catch up appointment with a neuro is just as good via the phone. If there is not much to tell them that is new or you just have an enquiry in general, why go to the trouble of getting to a hospital…transport and maybe a carer being needed are not so easy to organise…then waiting in a crowded waiting room for however long…just for a 5 minute chat…well, you might as well have the phonecall.


Hello Nanny McPhee,

I recently had a telephone appointment at a day’s notice which went really well. If I’d needed to go to the hospital it would have been arranged, but thankfully I didn’t…

So, well done to the NHS, they must have had contingency plans for an emergency such as this.


I agree with all your comments. It was lovely to receive a telephone appointment. Much easier than struggling to the hospital. I was just surprised they rang with an appointment as such short notice as I had agreed with my neurologist three years ago I would not see him unless I requested an appointment. I have 6 monthly telephone appointments with my MS nurse as she knows I find it difficult to get to the hospital.