MS Family roots :)


No family history for me. I have a friend who had RRMS as does her Mum and Great Aunt.



Oh I forgot my Aunt has a neuro problem where she can not control her neck and it goes off to the side, it has a name but I can’t remember what it is :frowning:

My mum has hepathopulmonary sydrome which I will be shocked if anyone knows what that is.

Torticollis? Is that your Aunt’s neck problem or dystonia?

And I can shock you by knowing about hepatopulmonary syndrome :slight_smile: Very rare indeed. A friend of mine has it and it baffled the Drs for ages. Is it the liver disease that causes low oxygen exchange in the blood and high blood pressure? Made her go very woo-doo indeed at times.

None of the above are related to MS though so I guess your family history is clear too :slight_smile:


Mum had R/arthritis paternal grandfather had Parkinson’s. I don’t have any other members of my family (that I know of) with MS but do try to tell younger members to get plenty of sunshine and vitamin D3. We do however have several members in our branch with relatives who have MS too.

I believe it is genetic but not hereditary, chances are higher but by no means certain.

Wendy x

No family history for me that i know of.


Apparently there are 3 others in my family with MS, but they are not close relations. (Lots of red hair in my family too, for the gingers out there :slight_smile: Probably something to do with the increased risk of MS if you’re Scottish?)

Karen x

No history of MS but lots of us with immune disorders. Mum had type 1 diabetes and pernicious anaemia, an uncle, my maternal grandmother and a first cousin also had diabetes. My father has mild parkinsons. We are also plagued with allergy problems so there is clearly a problem with the immune system and my son has severe psoriasis which they now treat as an immune disorder. Interesting stuff.


Wow ure good brog64 it is dystonia that my aunt has.

Also yes u are spot on about what my mum has, a lung and liver problem that makes people turn blue… so has to have alot of oxygen tanks.

Not so much now she has had the liver transplant about 10 years ago, however she is still unwell. It baffled the hospital when she had it 10 years ago as it was not known that well.

I am so glad your mum got the liver transplant. My friend is still on the waiting list. I hope hers comes through soon for her but she hasn’t found a compatible donor yet and sadly the donor rates are pretty low here in Australia

All the best to your mum and Aunt (and you of course!)

B xxx

Oh no thats awful! I hope they find someone soon. My mum was on the waiting list for 3 years herself so I know that feeling :frowning:

Hope they find one soon x

Thanks Moogle star

B xxxx

My grandad had m.s too. And lil me has it too who also has ginger hair :wink: worry about my boy maybe getting it but hopefully he wont and if he did there might be a cure or different treatment etc. Certainly didnt put me off having him. X

i come from a big family from both sides and i am the only one with it. Saying that i always thought i was adopted as i dont look like anyone they are all small and big busted and i am the opposite

No family with MS for me (as far as I know). But a good friend of mine was diagnosed 15 years ago and her father was diagnosed with benign MS about three years ago. This morning the volunteer serving coffee at our local rehab hospital was telling me that her mum and her brother both had MS - her mum in a wheelchair by the time she (the volunteer) was 4.

My nan (dad’s side). I’m more worried about the multitude of cancer cases in my immediate family :frowning:

Just want to add to my earlier comment. Our family is also littered with red hair: dad,brother,aunty, 2 cousins, grandmother, both great grandmothers, my sister’s son and my daughter. As I said before, both me and mum (who don’t have red hair but must have red hair genes of course) have MS. I’ve heard about this ginger gene being liknked with MS and I could definitey say it must play a role in our family.