i seen my consultant about a week and half ago and he was wanting to hold of diagnosing me with MS but a few day later I got a call at home from him to say he was going to diagnose me with MS after going back through all my results and the chat we had as it looks like I’ve had a relapse after my optic neuritis in Jan. I was told my next MRI with dye would be done in Aug but that now been brought forward to 4th July. I am still having a load of symptoms that the consultant said is related to my MS. He is also concerned about my health and has asked me to look at drugs and mainly the strong ones which I looked at and got scared and couldn’t read anymore. Also waiting to see MS nurse who will explain the medication the consultant is talking about and other stuff.
My doctor had now put me onto 20mg Amitriptyline and 5 vitamin D tablets a day. To see him in another 3 months unless I am concerned about anything.
i have prepared myself for worse but don’t think I have taken it in yet. I am really worried about the drugs that they are talking about the the side affects. During all this I have split with my husband and am mainly bringing up my two daughters on my own. Life is not in good place for me but thankfully I have my faith otherwise I am not sure what state I would be in.