Hey there! I’m 22 and I was diagnosed with RR ms last year. I had optic neuritis mainly which led me to be diagnosed. Honestly clinically it seems like I don’t need to be concerned too much, I’m on half dose of Tecfidera and for now things are stable, I still need to do the MRI to make sure. Well the point is that I find it hard sometimes to cope with it. I’m not depressed in fact I continue living my life normally and instead I haven’t changed anything. It’s more like, sometimes I can’t stop thinking about Ms, or when I go to doctors I feel so much anxiety because I’m guessing I was a bit traumatized back then. I don’t want to be a drama queen because honestly I still think I’m lucky overall but I can’t deny it was a huge shock, especially because sometimes I think it would have psychologically been better for me to wait a few years to have the diagnosis, or at least not with a pandemic going on which have made things harder, as you all probably have experienced. I’d just like some advice on how to “cope” and if it’s normal what I’m feeling.
Thanks so much!
It’s very normal! It also takes time to grieve and adapt. Since you’ve discovered that the diagnosis hasn’t really changed anything, that’s what you need to keep focusing on. MS is just one more thing that you have to deal with every day, like breathing and changing your clothes.
Hey thanks so much for your answer! I like how you’ve described it, just another thing in life to deal with. It puts things a little more into perspective. Luckily I went through the first grieving phase where I thought I would have just gotten worse and worse and got scared at every small sensation I had. I’m much more comfortable now but yeah sometimes I need to remind myself to put things into perspective.
Hi! I was diagnosed at 16, I’m 26 now and like you it all started with optic neuritis which is pretty frightening.
I think you have to remember that all your feelings are valid and I think you’re doing a great job at just carrying on, and as the comment before mine says you need to remember that your diagnosis hasn’t really changed anything
I’m new to this forum so I can’t say I’ve got lots of advice or answers cause that’s what I’m looking for on here too! But I am more than happy to chat if ever wanted!
I’m still currently officially undiagnosed, but i understant how you feel i was told over the phone that my MRI was pointing towards MS during lockdown and i just broke down in tears. Not because i thought my life was over but i was just so unsure and under educated in relation to it.
I try day to day to busy myself and not to think too much on it - my 2 children help with that. I bury into work, baking and right now jam making - i’m 28 but you know you can never have too much cake!
Hope you start feeling a bit more like yourself soon!