I am to be 'PIPed'


You did right to send it recorded recorded delivery ‘they’ lost mine for 2 dreadful months - I only had proof of postage! Be safe guysx

I had my assessment yesterday and all I can say is oh wow. The young lady that came knew her stuff and even researched one of my rare autoimmune conditions before she came. At the end of my assessment she explained what would happen next and what she was aiming to achieve on my behalf which I thought was very good of her. I was staggered to hear her say I should be entitled to mobility as well. I now await with interest the result. Very pleasant friendly and professional is how she came across. Obviously she can only recommend and doesn’t make the final decision. I was more than impressed as to how observant she was as well. She suddenly stopped what she was asking and said no more questions I can see how fatigued you are, your switch has come down I am calling a halt to your assessment. So overall a good experience.

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Human beings and thoughtful what more can you ask. My case was eventually handled very well. Good luck. M

I’ve actually enjoyed reading each post here. Only 'cos I’m a “been there, done that” bracket.

I’m thrilled for HellMS and all others who had a fair assessment with a good result. I actually earned 38 points at the home assessment and I can actually walk a reasonable distance, but because of other PPMS symptoms proven by MRI scans, the assessor explained the MRIs confirmed damage to 1 temporal lobe reducing in size, affecting mood, cognition & behavioural issues. Plus lack of spacial awareness from poor judgement and optic nerve damage. Lots of other evidence which added more points. So the 12 points needed to qualify for both elements was exceeded from hospital evidence as well as my own records of falls, broken toes from stumbles, shattered ankle bones called Trimalleola (tibia, fibia & actual ankle bone) needing 6 wks in hospital after a large operation pins, wires screws & plates needed.

The PIP award gave me peace of mind for at least the next 9 years as the timescale wasn’t specified. I read all small print and realised I’ll always qualify but it’s in writing DWP could (not definately) re-assess my condition no earlier than 2028, literally 10yrs after the award. We all know PPMS only deteriorates, so I doubt I’ll be reassessed as I’m 67 now and won’t reach my 80s.

We’ve ALL experienced a great deal of worry over a lengthy time due to the errors made by DWP& Government when PIPs was first devised. Crazychic is SO right about back payments.

For Fruitloops you should deffo appeal but use Age Concern or Citizens bureau to help you to get the additional 2 points needed! Your MRIs will have shown sufficient damage to be diagnosed with PPMS. There’s no relapses or any remissions, but progressive damage is a pretty constant, slow decline.

The GOOD NEWS is you might qualify for Ocrevus the very first approved medication by NICE. Make an appt. to speak to your MS nurse. She’ll explain the procedure & criteria.

Best of luck hon, feel free to p.m. me.

Chrissie x you

note: if you look through why you qualify for each point, you will find something that has NOT been considered by them.

Their distance ruling is ambiguous because we’re led to believe if we can walk that far, we’re done for. That’s not actually the case. Feeling giddy, disoriented, fatigue, forgetful, possibly other symptoms too, will affect your safety, could make you feel scared to go out (based on your own previous event that you can describe in detail). You can obtain evidence from your Neuro of copies of his correspondence, MRI reports. Lots of chances for a successful appeal with help.