My name is Joan, I am 68 and have complex medical issues, and the list of problems seems to be getting longer. When putting them all together I seem to fit the MS criteria, but I am worried about going to GP in case they think I am a hypochondriac
Hi! Please don’t think like that…even if they think that of you, it doesn’t matter…its your life and your health, you’re responsible for it. Just speak to them and voice your concerns…they would first send you to a neurologist as no GP would diagnose you with MS…then the neurologist can do various tests, primarly MRI to see if you have any leassons… i think getting a diagnosis is very important, regardless of what it is or isn’t. Because then you can act on it. Best of luck!
Joan what they might think of you is less important than getting a diagnosis of whatever issues you have. If you miss the opportunity to get early treatment (which in itself can take ages) then everyone (including the NHS and your GP practice) may be unnecessarily worse off. Wishing you all the best.
Just tell them plainly what’s going on. That’s your task. What they make of it is their business and there’s nothing you can do about that, so don’t worry about it.
Hi Joan,
I’d also suggest you just go for it. I’m in my 40s and I’ve been a total pest for my GP surgery… so many health issues. So you won’t be alone. And that’s what GPs are there for: to assess your symptoms and give you an objective view. They can’t diagnose MS but if they think it’s possible they should refer you to a neurologist. You’ve as much right to help as anyone else!
I am at this point too. My issues started in 2014 and I think they are fed up of me.
When I started not being able to talk yesterday, due to this going on, I decided that I am going to stop caring what they think and just fight.
It’s been ten years of scans showing I can’t empty my bladder and no further action. That and many other things.
When this started, I was diagnosed with Bipolar and I think that has greatly affected how I am treated at the surgery.
Keep pushing and try not to worry. I have waffled so much to them and not going to anymore. I’m just going to keep asking for a neurologist appointment and not give up.
You’re not alone, sending love x