Hi All,
Haven’t been on for a while but I do read your posts regularly. I wonder if anyone can help me please?
I know we are not doctors but I think sometimes we can help each other more than they can.
I have been told I have PPMS, not the RRMS that was originaly thought in 2008. As there isn’t any treatment for this type I only see a specialist every 18 months and I do not have an MS nurse.
My legs have been affected since 2008 when I had my first big attack. However, now I have problems with my arms. My shoulder is very stiff and painful and it is now difficult to use that arm a lot. My GP said to rest it, she is not sure if it is MS or something else. I also have painful, weak wrists and it is hard to use them to lift things. So all in all I seem toi have problems with lots of things at the moment.
Is this how PPMS can manifest itself? Have your legs/arms started getting weaker and more painful? Anything I can do to try and help myself? I have physio but I can’t take many of the painkillers as they make me very ill.
I just feel so in the dark about how PPMS can change and progress.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Enjoy your evening all,