Hi All,
I got my MRI results letter from my consultant and really need some help with deciphering it…i am notsure what it means.
Can someone message me…private or on forum, i not bothered which and i will post the results below and see what you all make of it.
It goes…
Youy patient has had an episode of myelitis. The radiologist that reported on her scans missed the lesion. There is a clear cut area of altered signal in her cervical spine at C1/2 on the rigth side afffecting the spinothalmic tract and readily accounts for all her symptoms. She has to some extent bilateral symptoms and she now has Lhermitte’s symptom. Her brain scan look pretty normal and does not have T2 hyperintensity affecting the cerebral white matter. The are however two areas of subtle alteration of signal affecting the pons bilaterally and they may be of significance. (what the hell does this mean???)
She also suffered an episode of bilateral deafness and has some impairment in her right ear still.
She knows that widespread lesion mean we would be thinking of MS, she knows also that this may mean that this might be the first episode of something which is going to occur again. She also knows that i have emphasised that her scans only show one lesion and the cause of her myelitis is unknown, therefore it may be something which may not give rise to reoccurances. Basically time will tell.
I feel we do not need to look at cerebrospinal fluid and there is no treatment which is going to get this episode better. The best thing for her at the moment is to be on no treatment. I have suggested we should review her in 6 months when we can consider whether to arrange further imaging.
Ok, so any help would be gratefully received, Karen/Rizzo…please?
Hope you can shed light on this for me.