Having a good day, so thought I'd share (better than telly)

That’s beautiful, too, Ssssue, but I’m assuming a bit chilly this time of year? Mum’s gotten involved with my lottery plans, and she’s decided that when we win, we’ll close up both houses and just spend a year walking/wheelchairing around England! I wonder how much territory we could cover?

Nice history articles, too!


Sadly my scooter can’t cope wit pebbles but I can get on the pier !

It would be great to meet up and share some proper cheese!

Flipping freezing here today. Tonight it’ll be -4 (Celsius in the U.K. not Fahrenheit NM). Not exactly sea swimming weather. Not that I’ve got a sea accessible wheelchair anyway. Plus that would be impossible on the pebbles too.

I doubt you’re used to stony beaches anyway NM, it’s common on the South Coast of England. I suspect because of the English Channel (which is the narrowish body of water between the U.K. and France). It’s not got enough power to smash the stones into sand so we have stony beaches. A bit sharp underfoot but at least you don’t get sand in your swimsuit!! (I remember this from when I used to swim in the sea every summer - I miss that! Even with the seaweed! That might be an anomaly to you too NM - weed in the water, a tad unpleasant but you get used to it!)

I remember getting off the boiling hot train from London on a baking Friday night, being met in the car by Mr Sssue (before we got married so I lived and worked in London all week then came to the coast for weekends). I’d change into a bikini in the car (yes, impossible to imagine doing now I’m a full time ‘wheelie’), then we’d park on the seafront and go straight into the sea. Float about in an attempt to cool down, then back home for a shower (pulling the seaweed out of one’s bikini bottoms as often as not!) then go out for dinner!!

I’m so glad I did that. I loved swimming in the sea!


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Me too. The promenade (for ice creams at the end of the prom’) and the pier.


Great to remember good times and nice to share as well.
I stopped swimming in the channel after we had a holiday somewhere with warm seawater

Good point. We started renting houses in France with pools. Slightly more clement than the Channel. And less seaweed!

I found my snap of the RAF bombing arrow.

Wow. Nice find.

S x

I could not find the shots that had people in to give it some scale.
The arrow is pretty large.

That is amazing, Mick!

Ssssue, I’m not familiar with beaches period, but I do know seaweed! We had a reservoir by a our house, and as kids we’d slide down the moss-covered overflow and collect handfuls of seaweed as we went along. And then throw them at each other. We’d go home and our parents always wondered why we smelled like rotting fish. We would’ve been grounded for life if they’d ever found out why, because the bottom of the overflow had a large drop onto sharp rocks. There was a definite trick to learning how to roll at the last minute to keep from going over the edge. Sometimes I wonder how we survived childhood.


That’s brilliant. Life before “health and safety” all part of the learning process.