
Hi, Does anyone else feel guilty when having a relapse/problems? My partner is stuck on the way home in the freezing cold because trains are cancelled but I don’t feel comfortable driving as I’m having problems with my legs. Having pains when walking so I don’t think I can manage the peddles. I always feel bad when I can’t help. Does it get any easier? Thanks Em

hi em

quick answer is yes,it does get easier. i have brought up 4 kids in my own for the past 7+ years-we split before i was diagnosed so that wasnt a factor.

since then i have lost my job,and car and loads of other material stuff but my kids havent missed out-their words,not mine. i felt guilty for all sorts of reasons because of what i thought were issues. in reality they helped me to learn and understand that ANYTHING is only a problem if u make it one. this wasnt easy to get my head round but i now know its true. all they want/need to know is that i love them-and i have got an abundance of that!

recent problems have brought us even closer together as even tho theres lots of promised help out there,in reality there isnt.

meditation and seeing reality helped and is continuing to help me.

you will find YOUR way-i wish u all the best

ellie x

Does it get any easier?

No, it doesn’t.

Not for me, anyway. For sure I’m better at accepting that there is an ever-increasing list of things I can’t do, in a general sense. But no way does it get any easier not being able to do ordinary things to help out the people I love when they need me. I’m afraid that just sucks and it keeps on doing so. Sorry.

