Getting PIP, ESA, UC etc. - This is what MS folks are up against

Whatever your political persuasion, it must be acknowledged that the UK Government is under massive pressure to control spending yet at the same time, there is a torrent of people attempting to claim benefits. Unfortunately, there must be a number of fraudulent or undeserving cases getting through whilst also many genuine cases getting turned down.

"The Times: Number of benefit claimants too ill to work passes a million - September 16 2023:

  • People judged too ill to work get benefits payments that are double those given to people required to look for a job.
  • The number of benefit claimants judged too ill to work has increased by more than 300,000 in a year, according to official figures that show a surge in long-term sickness benefits.
  • Some 1.8 million people are now claiming universal credit because of a limited ability to work, up from 1.4 million in the same time last year. This includes 1.2 million people deemed too ill to work at all, up 300,000 in a year, who make up an increasing proportion of those claiming universal credit health benefits, according to figures this week from the Department for Work and Pensions.
  • More than two thirds of people claiming health-related universal credit benefits in June were judged to be unable to work, compared with less than half before."
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I cant claim many benefits because I’ve always saved and counted my pennies so I have "too much "savings. I hardly ever went on holiday, don’t drink or smoke, wear normal clothes not designer, drive a basic car…always worked etc…who is the mug??

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I worked for over 30 years and paid into the occupational pension scheme. I own my own home because I did without things to pay my mortgage. I have been means tested and I’ve paid in full for all my home adaptations, wet room, ramp, automated door system. I buy my wheelchairs and I pay in full for my care visits. If I’d never worked and I’d smoked, drunk, drugged or even gorged my way to ill health it would all be free, and yes I know drink and drugs are an addiction and therefore an illness, but there’s an element of choice when it comes to using illegal substances.

Successive governments have consistently failed on this. They tweak things, unemployment benefit/sickness benefit has become ESA. DLA claimants had to reapply for PIP. Now tax credit claimants are moving to universal credits. I wonder how much these changes, and those that preceded them cost in administration etc?
Clearly the frauds need weeding out, but how to do it?
Clearly those struggling and suffering and being denied the support they need and should be entitled to should be properly supported.
I don’t think any government has the answer to separating the frauds from those genuinely in need. The fraudsters are experts!

I just completed my ESA & PIP applications online and over the phone respectively, this morning.
It was a relatively straight forward proceedure; I’m not expecting an immediate payout, if anything at all but, just to be on their radar and let them know I’m currently not in work and therefore not contributing to NI.
Fingers X for all claimants,