waited 6 weeks from getting private prescription, and many phone calls chasing it up im having it on thursday so ive been
told. now im excited and scared. a. it doesnt work b. too many side effects. fingers crossed!!!
waited 6 weeks from getting private prescription, and many phone calls chasing it up im having it on thursday so ive been
told. now im excited and scared. a. it doesnt work b. too many side effects. fingers crossed!!!
Hi Joy
I have everything crossed that it all turns out fine for you.
Let us know how it goes, take care
Pam x
Good luck with it Joy, please let us know how you get on.
Cath xx
Hi Joy Don’t know much about it but good luck with it and let us know how you get on with it. Mags xx
Hi Joy, Hope you are a responder and have no side effects. Be very interested to hear how you get on. Nina x