Fake telephone preference service calls!

May I speak to Mrs/Miss/Mr *******

I’m calling from (Something unintelligible that sounds like the telephone preference service) are you still receiving unwanted phone calls…


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OMG. I wasn’t aware but OH has just said, “yes we’ve had one of those!”

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I’ve had 2 in the last couple of weeks and it’s not the first time they’ve called, what their doing is trying to get people to pay for a call blocking service, they’ve got nothing to do with the telephone preference service!

I’m sick to death of em’ I seem to get 3/4 some days, and I’m sure I’ve had more!

i also get “accident helpline calling about a non existent accident” market researchers who will not listen because they’re working off a script, I don’t know what they actually want, but you can be sure it’s not really about your shopping habits! And of cause PPI.

The problem is, there’s b***** all we can do to stop em’ unless you…

Change your phone number, and never give out your new phone number! That means unless you read the Ts&Cs word for word you could find, no shopping on line, including utilities/groceries or insurance, no signing up to anything on the Internet, and no using mail order, or any credit agreement, effectively turning the clock back then to the Neolithic! It’s virtually impossible too only give your phone number to friends and family in the 21st century.

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We still get nuisance cold calls. But we haven’t had any asking if we are in the TPS . I’m jealous.

No, not really. We do ignore numbers we dont recognise and then block them. Unless I’m feeling naughty and fancy having a laff with them.

I’ve taken on a variety of guises.

Sometimes I say I’m not the householder, just a poorly old lady who has been left home alone.

Or I speak like a little girl who doesn’t understand anything!

Hubby likes a game too and says he’s a burglar.

Innit sad that I have nowt better to do!



There’s a good handset with phone guardian on, which makes the caller say who they, and calling from etc, so this gets shut of the usual shite etc. Let’s you have safe numbers. Pretty good in all honesty, and no charge to yourself from your line rental etc.


If it is a dubious number that I recogize, I have a tendency to answer “Ja, bitte”, and then only speak German.

I have time to waste - theirs.



Nice one Geoff!


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We bought a dual handset from Waitrose a while ago. It is a Panasonic and blocks up to 50 numbers. It also has a night mode so we have set it to not ring after 10.00pm and 6.00am. It has done its job well so far.

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what about “hi i’m calling from microsoft to tell you that your computer has a serious virus”

reply “we all have one of those - typhoid, call round and i’ll make you a cuppa”

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what about “hi i’m calling from microsoft to tell you that your computer has a serious virus”

reply “we all have one of those - typhoid, call round and i’ll make you a cuppa”

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Thanks, Poll,

The first time I did it, I thought my wife was going to do something childish!


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I had an email yesterday saying somebody with my surname ( a well known Welsh one ) has left me some money in their will, I only had to send some finders fee to claim it .

I can’t believe some people will fall for it .

Take care all .


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I’ve been getting these for the last 5/6 years, although they usually claim their calling from my ISP, but my gut feeling stopped me falling for it the first time.

A friend of my sister fell for it, it cost her a load of dosh to buy the software that they were selling, when she tried to stop the transaction the call centre rep made threatening comments ‘I know where you live’ and placed a virus into the computer that cost a load more cash to get rid of!

I don’t think people really know what some of these phone calls can lead to.

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I have an answerphone my land-line, my message tells whoever it is that I don’t answer the phone so leave a message.



I got the hump this afternoon when my own electricity supplier called offering me cheaper gas. I balled him out explaining I am ex directory and telephone preference before he said but you are a customer of ours. I explained if he wanted it to stay that way just go away and let me finish my lunch.

Angry of Margate

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Not sad at all - great to keep the imagination active and a bit of self generated entertainment.

I have a range of responses from just terminating the call to in depth conversations related to whatever they are trying to sell, as for the gits who wish to save me from a Microsoft problem “I only use a Mac” if they offer to transfer me to the Apple desk I decline by saying “I use Cray hardware and I am implementing a Linux environment” If they persist (never happened yet) I would just swear at them before killing the call.

I consider myself fairly sceptical if not cynical and a bit paranoid but still managed to get scammed by a banking fraud.

All ended OK but not my proudest moment.
