Hi everyone, please can anyone advise…i recently took voluntary redundancy as i could no longer cope with working, i live with my husband who works and three children and was told i could aply for esa. I applied last week and got a text to say yes been awarded then today received a letter to say no i wont be getting any payments as i havent paid enough NI contributions. I only worked part time so didnt earn enough to have to pay any…apparently they say there is nothing at all i can claim thats it? They did say they will now make my NI contributions for me… as i was in a panic and fluster i didnt ask the questions what does this mean or will i in the future be entitled to anything as now im hang contribution paid?
can anyone help? thank you
Paying national Insurance contributions is a pre-requisite for many benefits. There is a catch all for people who have not paid – Non Contributory ESA. The problem for you with this is that it is only paid if you have no other money coming into the household. As you have a working husband you will not be entitled to this.
Although the DWP will now pay some NI for you it will only go towards your state pension. It is not the correct class of contribution to qualify for other benefits.
Do you claim DLA? This is a non means tested benefit that does not rely on NI contributions. If you need to make a new application it would be for PIP not DLA but the basics of eligibility are the same.
hi thank you Jane i have just ordered the forms for PIP not looking forward to filling them in.