Episodes of mania /hypomania

Hi guys

I was just wondering if anyone has experienced manic or hypomanic episodes that are related to MS.

My mental health issues have been recognised by my neurologist and I’m waiting for a neuropsychiatry referral (18 months and counting :sob:) but I’m just curious to hear if anyone has any experience or information.

Reading online says there is a link between mania and MS but I can’t seem to find much detail. My moods are very up and down and have been for years but recently it’s become alot more noticeable and it’s starting to have detrimental effects of areas of my life.

If anyone could relate or is further along on the investigative journey I’d love to hear from you :smiling_face:

Hi Char, I’ve not experienced mania but I do remember years ago an MS nurse telling me that some people ( some of her patients) with MS do seem to get over ‘happy’. Like you I’ve also found stuff online in medical journals.

Have you talked with your GP about the ‘mania’ and accompanying depressive periods ? I’m just thinking aloud, but do you need to wait for the neuro psychiatrist appointment? Your local GP practice might be able to help and get you some treatment much faster than the 18 month wait for the neuro appointment