Emotional and embarrassed

I had a lot of anxiety about this before. But now that things are falling into place I am ashamed how much it’s making me an absolute mess. I keep having panic attacks, I keep randomly sobbing, I HATE my 19 & 10yr old kids keep finding me staring off into space with a look of fear on my face. And they say “mom, talk to me, are you ok, you can talk to me, you’ll be ok, you got us!” I got a good therapist I am seeing this week, she’s great but I am
In such a state of mind right now, I’m so worried my emotions will traumatize my kids. They’ve never seen me scared or sad like this. I keep thinking sending them to their grandparents for a weekend would be good, but i don’t want to make them think I don’t want them here.

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Hello, well the last sentence re sending your kids away for the weekend, may not be a bad idea. Do you think it could give a little
“me” time? They obviously know you’re not doing too well right now.

Are there any support groups for folks with anxiety, or maybe a Well Woman group nearby?

A couple of years ago, I felt so lonely and lost, after 24 years of PPMS. So I prayed to God for help. I got it in bucket loads! I am now a born again Christian, have been baptised and life is 100% better.

Jesus is my close friend and comforts me every day. He will help you too…just ask.

Much love Bouds xx


So sorry to hear that you are feeling so wretched. It would be strange if you weren’t scared or anxious. I don’t have kids (or know how your family works) so please forgive me if I spout rubbish.
I would guess that your kids are well aware that you are not in a good place. If it were me I would try to explain my feelings and ask them for support. You could even ask them if being with their grandparents would help or make things worse. If you have access to either a good GP or an MS nurse they might have experience that could help you all.
Wishing you and your family all the best


Hello Sleepykitty

I’m newly diagnosed (Jan '23) and wanted to reach out to say YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I completely share your anxieties. I’m still in the denial stage and overrun with emotions (I’m in tears now as I write this) My daughter is 13 and has her own medical issues which sometimes lands her in hospital, I fear that she will be triggered by my own fears and so I’ve been quite cagey about what’s going n wit me health wise. I have a GP appointment over the Easter break and intend to take her with me so she can ask the Dr any questions about MS, that way she will get the facts minus the tears. Children are resilient and they need to see us as human beings. If we can show them that despite what life throws at us we muddle through, it should keep them in good stead for managing their own lives I’m also looking into local groups for support. Sending you a virtual hug.

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