Dmt ocrevus


My name is Gemma, i have RRMS currently on Ocrevus. I just wondered if its normal to feel terrible when your treatment is running out ? Thank you any advice.

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Hey Gemma,

Am PPMS and on Ocrevus how do you mean running out? Do you mean when your next dose is coming up?


Yes, it’s called the “Crap Gap”! Can affect you as the drug wears off in the last month or so, or just after you’ve recharged your system - or both. I guess it applies to both flavours of MS where ocrelizumab is prescribed.



Yeah im due to have my next treatment at the end of march.

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Ah didn’t know about that well guess in June will find out how badly it effects me.

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Hi Gemma, I’m not on Ocrevus but if I were you I would contact your MS Nurse