Hi you lovely lot. I’ve not been on for a while. Stopped rebif in December cause of depression and had a two month medication holiday which I treated as a two month ms holiday (as in I tried to persuade myself for two months that I didn’t have ms!) Anyway, I started copaxone last Thursday and have had awful heartburn and feeling like there’s a lump in my esophagus ever since. Was so bad last night that I was in tears and necked 3 ranitidine tablets just to get to sleep. I’ve not had heartburn since pregnancy 15 years ago (and it was never that bad then). In my head I’m thinking it mst be related to the copaxone because of the timing but because I inject it, rather than swallow it, it doesn’t make sense! Has anyone else experienced this? Apart from really intense burning pain when I inject I’ve no other symptoms. It’s making me miserable!!
Hey, I had awful nausea and acid when I first started copaxone, again, I can only assume it was down to that but it has since settled and this took about three weeks. I don’t know whether that was because I started injecting in the day but when I changed my times to an evening injection, the symptoms stopped or whether that was just coincidental x Hope you get on ok with it. Claire x
I’ve had a google thanks Jen. Claire that’s interesting. I inject in the morning so might think about changing to evening. It does seem to have eased a bit today but will see what it’s like when I go to bed! The injections are still flipping painful though!
Yes they are abit stingy, generally I don’t feel anything at all until 5 minutes after and that’s when I get the sting! Have u tried an ice pack pre injection or after it? It might be worth a go. Xoxo
With Copaxone injector if you hit a nerve its kinda tuff luck, You might try giving it a go with just syringe and if it hurts to much
1st prick just move 2 cm from where it hurt.
Also I found going a bit deeper cut down on the 48 hour lumps you get.
I found 2 mm from the end of the needle away from the glass rim was a nice depth.
I only ever did stomach, love handle sides and thigh, I never did my arms as Copaxone can disolve tissue also I have to inject insulin also which I did also in stomach and thighs.
Well the heartburn went to be replaced with thrush and now big red, hot, itchy welts that come up a day or two after and last for days. I do manually inject Hobs, go the full length of the needle so maybe that’s too deep. What’s weird is that even the spot I had my flu jab has flared up too!