Care for children who care...

Wonder if anyone can help. My daughter is a mature 11 year old who helps me day to day. Recently she told a relative she was finding my health a problem and wishes she had someone to talk too. Does anyone know how to go about finding support for her? I live in Cheshire, have a car and plenty of free time to take her to any groups… My husband is very supportive but works during the day. Therefore we tend to care for each other until he is home. Obviously, I try not to let MS effect her life but naturally it does. She is in year 7 and I wonder if I should inform her school of this added burden to her life? This is all very new to me, not the MS, but how it is encroaching on her life. Any advice would be very welcomed. Thank-you.

There is a group called young carers. My children went to support groups organised by them as the natural children of foster parents.My children were able to say in a safe environment how caring for troubled children impacted on their life. Young carers cover all sorts of carers. May be worth googling and having a look to see if they have anything local to you.


i have 4 kids-3 still at home agaes 18, 12 11

the kids support me and they are supported by the young carers at princes trust-i dunno how they or me would cope without their valuable input.

re school-i have told them. i think they are nationwide-maybe info on the net

ellie x

Tried posting but think it has been lost in cyber space.

My children attended groups run by Young Carers. They went to discuss in a safe environment how fostering troubled and special needs children impacted on their lives. They have all sorts of groups for various types of carers. May be worth a google to see if they have anything in your neck of the woods.

Hi, I do think it is sad if a child has to be a carer and misses out on kid stuff.

But You`ve been given some great advice, so hope it helps your daughter. Bless her for helping you.


Is the problem that your daughter has difficulties coping with the physical demands of your m.s. or is it that she worries about your health?