Being made redundant at work [MS not disclosed]

Hi. I just wanted to share, as I know I can find some sympathy here.

Yes, I might have arranged a wonderful romantic dinner with my husband for Valentine’s this evening, the very first one after we recently got married, but my mood is now ruined… I just received some bad news after a meeting with my boss. Work’s making me redundant. I work in a senior managerial position, and I was told this is not because of performance issues. They will basically close my department as they cannot afford running it.

Here is the thing. I was diagnosed with RRMS in late September last year and recently started Plegridy. Since I do not look disabled, and my condition did not affect work, I had not disclosed my disability to the employer.

So, now I am super scared for my future. Unless they give me another position (there are no positions to give me as matters stand, but they may find something), I won’t have a job very soon.

Of course, I am doing my homework to look into benefits, etc., even discussing with a specialist about disability law in the UK and how I can be supported. I don’t know if I should disclose my MS to the employer at this point or if it will go against me if I do so. Thoughts? Advice? Virtual tissue? Thank you.


On the face of it, it seems to me that your decision now is whether announcing your MS would help or hinder any chances of deployment opportunities. You will be the best judge of that. If they’re litigation-risk averse, knowing you have MS might just make them go the extra mile to find you a slot?

I am sorry that you have had such rotten news.

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Yes, exactly, Alison. You are reading my mind. Yet, it can go either way. If they know I have MS, they can equally speed up the process so that I am out of their way as soon as possible, so that they do not have to face me as a … problem… in the future.

Thank you for your kind post.


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Hi Maria
At the most simplistic level, if you can avoid disclosing your diagnosis when applying for new jobs, then I would recommend that you keep quiet, but don’t lie. If forced to disclose, you could play down the symptoms but not the absolute diagnosis. Could your MS Consultant/ Team help? A report explaining in real terms your capabilities / limitations. One to keep up your sleeve.

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Quite. But redeployment decisions need to be just as defensible as redundancy ones - it’s all the same process and it isn’t over yet.

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I can afford to hide it as I work entirely remotely. Since MS has not affected my job, I thought it might be best not to disclose it. I just don’t know if I need to pull that card out now, or not; and if by doing so, the law protects me somehow. At the end of the day, they are making me redundant without them knowing.

So, last afternoon I talked to HR officers who officially served me the news of the redundancy, with figures. They mentioned that I have to serve one month notice, although I can also take my holidays. They are giving me 4 months of wages tax free to get rid of me. They will put everything in paperwork. I understand that by law they need to make an effort to find an alternative position for me, and they said they will try to do so, but there is norhing available right now. So, they may serve me another role, but I may not like it. If I do not, it may be possible to refer to my MS as health grounds for not accepting the position, so that they do not deny giving me the redundancy pay.

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Hi @MariaB123
Sorry to hear your job role is being made redundant: job restructuring almost always has a connotation with redundancy.
I don’t think your employer can deny you redundancy compensation, even if they were aware of your long term multiple sclerosis.
Good luck with what whatever you decide is your next move.

So, you may wonder what happened. I never revealed the diagnosis. I will simply take the redundancy payment and run. I deserve better.

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My goodness, that all happened fast, didn’t it? I hope that you find that this unwelcome change ends up opening new doors for you.
Thank you for updating us.

Thank you. I appreciate the support and I am pleased that this forum exists. I felt undestood and supported.