Baclofen having no effect

Hi everyone,

I was prescribed Baclofen 10 days ago and I feel they aren’t working and if anything spasm around ribs are getting worse. I was told to try for few weeks but feel like giving up already! Any advice on this medication would be greatly appreciated I think it’s quite a small dose 5mg *3 a day.



Hi, I think you need to give the meds a bit longer to work.

Most people are told to find their own optimum dosage with baclofen.

15 mg a day could be too low, but you have to increase it slowly. Has your gp or neuro put you on it?

If it was your gp, then ask for a telephone appointment to discuss increasing the dose.

It is a good drug at reducing spasms and stiffness, but as with all drugs, they affect different folk differently.

A word of warning, if I may, but without wishing to alarm you…take care, as too much may cause weak muscles and this may cause falls.


Hi Poll,

Thanks for your reply. It was g.p. that put me on them will give them another week and then give doc a call. Neuro did warn me about muscle weakness but I don’t see that happening anytime soon my legs are solid at the moment but thank you for advice I really do appreciate it. I’ve tried to stay away from drugs but spasms were just excruciating don’t know what to do for best.



hi kellyann

I took baclofen to begin with when first dx’d , at that time I found my legs felt like two limp sticks of celery, I put it down to MS , it was in fact the baclofen itself that was causing them to be more limp than the MS had caused. I changed to tizanidine and felt a difference for the better immediately. What I found was that where baclofen made all my muscles feel limp the tizanidine seemed to be more targeted . and I was getting relief from spasticity but at same time it wasn’t causing the limpness in my legs. Tizanidine is worth checking out, I know that what works for one might not work for other but still worth checking.


baclofen sent me to sleep!

it was like i’d had an anaesthetic.

getting down stairs was scary so i stopped taking it.

carole x


Thanks for replies. I’ve actually stopped taking them a couple of days ago as they weren’t helping at all and felt scared to up dose after reading reviews about them. I’ve got neuro appt in 4 weeks and I’m going to ask if there’s anything he would suggest. I take a lot of magnesium, stretching etc. but feel nothing’s working on tin man legs haha x