m.s. said to be an autoimmune disease - does that mean
we have a faulty immune system which damages itself.
m.s. isn’t caused by something external - virus?
m.s. said to be an autoimmune disease - does that mean
we have a faulty immune system which damages itself.
m.s. isn’t caused by something external - virus?
Yes, an autoimmune disease is one where the immune system attacks the body
No idea! Many of us have had Epstein-Barr virus/glandular fever, but as far as I know a direct cause has never been established.
Hi cracowian,
I’m in agreement with he_funk and am pretty sure that no direct cause has ever been found.
I think there is an autoimmune connection but not sure it’s fully understood yet.
My understanding is that something (virus? who knows?) triggers our immune system to run off the rails and, once it’s off the rails, it stays off them. So you’ve got MS for life.
Epstein-Barr is a kick off point for many people with MS, but not all. I only noticed the other day that I was screened for the antibodies to it in 1997 when my MS first reared it’s flipping ugly head (and was negative).
There are so many factors which, when added together, can lead to MS. As we’ve debated so many times on here, there’s the familial link - which I know you have, viruses, environmental, diet, geographic location, so very many others.
We could compare people from all round the world (except most of Africa) with MS and not find a common link. Ultimately you just have to accept, it’s MS, it’s a pain in the posterior (putting it extremely mildly), and it’s a gift for life, possibly one given by a bad fairy / witch at the point of conception or some time after that.
I once had a theory…I did post about it some years ago and my theory didnt fit but I still wonder…here it is…
Prior to my MS days, I used to get horrendous cold sores (herpes) and post MS I dont get them.
I read somewhere that this herpes has gone internal and caused MS.
I think a virus is a strong contributor.
I always feel better than usual when I am incubating a viral infection - as if the infection sort of over rides the m.s. Once recovered form the viral infection the m.s. returns - usually with a vengance.