A life ruined by multiple sclerosis

Happy Birthday !!!

btw, there’s a Rockschool in Izmir…

stay at here a while. I met lots of good friends on here. You never know what’s around the next bend…

Happy Birthday !!!

btw, there’s a Rockschool in Izmir…

stay at here a while. I met lots of good friends on here. You never know what’s around the next bend…

Thanks :smiley: I’m glad you has liked it. I listened to each piece individually but just felt they were missing something. I make interesting mixes like that once in a while. Usually, one part of it hard rock/metal so it may not be for everyone. If you’d like, I made a cleaner extended version of it that I can send you(and anyone who’d like) as an email. Never too old to enjoy metal, huh? XD Hope the copyright nutsies don’t come knocking on my door, lol

My jaw is hanging open, literally. I think I’m dead. I’ve died and gone to heaven. I mean, damn! Whoa, just hold the phone! XD

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yeh you can PM me with the link. Like i said i was listening to Metal before you were a twinkle in your dads eye. I am always listening to good stuff. I dont bulls**it either, if i like it, i like it lol.

Yeah a powerful female performer is what Queen should have gone with but, no. Adam Lambert? Really? Brian May thinks “He’s a gift from god.” Come on, He has nothing Freddie had; no charisma, no fire, nothing. You know the man recorded “the show must go on” on a single take where he was, as Brian May describes it, “in a near skeletal state, unable to walk” 6 weeks before he passed. Now, I’ve listened to Lambert’s take on the show must go on(in my opinion, it is the greatest Queen song ever because the performance came from the heart) and let’s just say I was less than impressed.

Frickin awesome golden girl !!! :smiley: hopefully off to see Tracii Guns in October, Dan Baird in November - must get tickets soon, and Bowling For Soup in Feb. Used to go to the Oval a lot (rock pub in Norwich owed by former Maiden roadie), but now a home for plastic dinosaurs as Fish would say…pity.

Hmm, thanks for the news but Izmir is kinda far from where I am. Now I’m thinking of getting in touch with the British consulate to look over my options, to see if I can actually live and work there. Really, I’ve had it with here. This place has nothing going for me…

Go for it !!! And don’t forget to let Jase know !!!..

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What ? Was that lost in translation or are you moving to Norfolk too ??? (Hey, I’m allowed)

I don’t know of any websites I can upload it. If you’d check your PMs, that’d be swell.

Hi join eslcafe.com they have loads of jobs and things on there you might find interesting.

The thing is we can be anyone we want to be on forums cant we? BUT I am as straight as they come have had a wonderful life to be honest, been all over the world.

I love good music. Watching the Tull in concert was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G…that was in 1970 i think. Ian Anderson was fantastic it was one of the highlights of my life watching him. Shame they are no more to be honest. Some of my favorites are Aqualung, Thick as a Brick and Passion Play. I quite liked it when they moved a bit into folk too, but Songs of the Woods was flipping amazing too and i have been listening to that and a few others today. Have you listened to them? If not you must. Another great listen is King Crimson one of my favs, was 21st century’s schizoid man…from In The Court Of The Crimson King. I have the vinyl from when it first came out. One of my pride and joys memory i think was around 1970. OMG Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin and suzi Quatro, jeez now i have to sit for a week and listen to my music hubby will have to go and sit in the conservatory lol.

I saw YES in concert in Germany another great group. Close to the edge was inspiring, but they lost Bill Bruford who went onto King Crimson. Wakeman joined them too for a period, wow, what a group, yet I speak to my young family and their friends who go on about rock groups and they have never even heard of them.

Ah memories I loved being a rock chick lol…well i am still a rock chick but now I am a rock Hensioner ha ha.

If you have never listened to Yes or Crimson i would recommend. Now going to see if i can find your music ciao.

IMO they should just have called it quits. Any attempt to replace FM was bound to end in bathos and it has done, however much they protest otherwise. You would think the royalties from the back catalogue alone would have kept them in quite enough style. Pity they decided to be greedy and stupid and press ahead as a bunch of wrinkly old gits plus a pale imitation. Sigh.


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Top man. If it is what will make you happy - do it. If you end up in Yorkshire (best bit of Britain) I will buy you a beer.


Yeah, my mind is made. First thing tomorrow morning, I’m straight there at the consulate. I’ve already mapped out its location and my mode of transportation. Wish me luck. Maybe if things go as planned, we can have a nice cup of tea(or a couple of brewskies; your choice) together afterwards, lol.

No, if I make it there, I’m buying the beers, lol. Wish me luck for tomorrow. See you at the victory parade.

Hi Aydin

It’s so good to see your mood lift over the course of this post.

Life changes all the time and nothing stays the same. I hope this thread gives hope to others who are struggling at the moment.

Good luck, I hope the new doors open widely for you.



Exactly, right you are. After a while, you just gotta call it quits. FM was the face of Queen, its heart and soul and he gave us 22 years of bliss. He was an artist who probably won’t be born again for another 1000 years(unless of course if they don’t figure out how to resurrect the dead from DNA samples within that 1000 year time frame). I salute John deacon for his decision not to defile the memory of Freddie Mercury. and he has every right to collect royalties from his former band members’ shenanigans.

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