Community Guidelines The aim of our forum is to provide a safe place for people affected by MS to share experiences and help each other cope with the challenges of living with MS and life in general.
Please be supportive, welcoming and friendly to all users, and bear in mind that many individuals may be new to the forums or new to MS.
If you see something that offends you or that you feel moderators should be made aware of, please flag it or contact:
You sign up for terms of use when you sign up to our website, but in addition please read through our Community Guidelines below to make sure you are familiar with how you can protect yourself and others and help make our forum be a secure, friendly and valuable space for everyone:
Be nice : Please avoid posting material that is obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, malicious, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable. Please also consider if your content could be interpreted as racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
No jokes : Whilst fun, jokes can escalate quickly and cause offence to some. For the sake of our moderators, we’ll either lock or delete all joke threads - no matter how ‘harmless’ they appear to be.
Be kind: Please don’t engage in personal attacks or post rude comments about others
Be careful: Keep your information safe - don’t disclose your own (or anyone else’s) personal information or data, including address, telephone numbers, email address etc. Please respect other’s privacy - and don’t reproduce messages that have been sent privately on the forums or by email.
Remember the law : Please refrain from being defamatory, fraudulent, or misleading or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence. Please don’t violate the legal rights of others (copyright, intellectual property, etc.)
Be truthful: Don’t make false or unproven claims about MS or the MS Society or promote products/services related to treatment of MS
Be yourself: Anonymous posts can be used for sensitive topics and issues but should not be used as a platform for personal attacks or breaking any other rules. Please don’t misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or organisation.
Mind your language: People of all ages and backgrounds read and contribute to these forums, please don’t post extreme profanities that could cause upset.
Keep it simple: Keep similar contributions to a reasonable level, as multiple posts from one individual, or small number of individuals, discourages many others who might otherwise wish to take part
Advertising, selling and spamming : Please don’t promote third parties or their products or services, or content that could be considered spam. Advertising which is considered or deemed to be spam, and/or promoted excessively within a thread/post will be moderated as appropriate by an admin. We accept signposting within reason but blatant advertising to a third party site or content will not be accepted. Spamming can also be considered by posting multiple threads within short vicinity or regarding the same/or similar topic - please respect other forum members and use your original post to add too.
Research posts : Please note that the forum is a peer-to-peer support network and should be used as such. Any threads mentioning/containing links to individual research projects/surveys or promoting a research project in any way will be removed.
Think copyright: Aside from being subject to copyright, lengthy posts cause problems for visually impaired people with screen readers. Please use links to other people’s content instead. We want the MS Society forum to be a helpful environment for all of the community - posts that include content that breaches our community guidelines may be edited or deleted and may result in you being banned or suspended from accessing the forum in the future. This is an open community, please understand that the material posted on the forum by its members does not reflect the opinions of The MS Society, its employees or affiliates.