What to expect from steroids?

14 days after steroids.

All the side effects have worn off now - sleeping, heart rate and mood pretty normal.

Walking is improving, albeit that progress is frustratingly slow. But I can confidently leave the house now, either with my 3-wheeled walking machine or even (exceptionally) with just a stick. So life’s a bit less boring!

Tried driving this week but could move my foot from aceerator to brake quite comfortably enough to feel 100% safe so I’m still grounded! Tried returning to work as well, but I think a little too soon despite working from home - I think there’s some sorting out to be done there - my brain is getting tired more easily than I expected!

Thank you steroids - you have not totally resolved my relapse, but you have definitely set me on the right path, and I’m sure I would not be this good this quickly without you!

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