Spitting mad (not MS)

I live in a flat Tina :slight_smile: I’m not picking on your fence…I promise. I’m going stop digging that hole now :-/ :smiley:

Not so sure it’s any better for the blood pressure when they do know and you know they know, when they are in a mood to take the mick, which is actually quite funny but leaves you looking like you’re on an espisode of Beadle’s about!lol, which happened to me with some new windows once, the window bars were in the wrong place, I came back from work, saw them,told them and we all stood outside and they said with shaking heads ‘no pet, can’t see what you mean’ 4 of them plus my next door neighbour that they’d roped in to their ‘joke’…finally when they realised I wasn’t laughing they told me they had seen the mistake immediately and had them making a new one which was fitted the day after (still expected to see Jeremy Beadle walking up the drive) they did a great job and brought me flowers and choccies to make up for the joke…which then made me feel guilty! next door neighbour was amused for years.

Just to add, they fitted the wrong window so that the house was secure over night.

Hi Tina, that would annoy me too, I think you’ve handled things in exactly the right way, so hopefully it will be put right and you will be happy. It is hard to find good workmen isn’t it? If it’s any consolation a bit of the fence between our house and the neighbours blew away, too, in the storms. The neighbour loves doing DIY so he fixed it so it didn’t cost me anything. I just gave him a bottle of wine to say thanks. Cheryl:-)