So upset by cognition testing

Hmm! And I was thinking of asking my neuro to refer me for a neuropsych assessment to get a baseline for my ever-decreasing cognitive abilities…

… maybe not!

I’m reassuring myself that I did manage the maths one. 8 machines = 6 days. 8 x 6 = 48 for 1 day. 48 x 2 = 96 for 0.5 a day.

But could I do it after an hour plus and under that stress and pressure? Not a chance!

Karen x

Wow thanks again for all of your support, advice and empathy you really did stop me going into meltdown. Pip my reasons for asking were I know cognitive testing is available and i know something is wrong with my brain - only minor- but I want to know how wrong it is compared to an average non ms brain. Mrsp88 -my follow up is we’d 22nd may at 2pm Anon- i’m not as bad as you describe but thanks for the book recommendation will certainly buy Teresa thank you for your kind words Liz -same thing and liberated. I will be taking a large packet of hankies for my results Neil - nice to hear someone has done similar as well - you had some different complicated tests. Did your results help you? Geoff - firstly apologies to you and everyone I should have said the appointment was 2 hours. We had a 20 minute getting to know you to start with. So testing was probably only 1hr 40min- still a long time. Not sure the name of the tests were but it was NHS appt so I am trusting they were ok . Or is that naive? Should I ask and write down the name at my follow up? I take full responsibility for my stressful appointment. I feel it will be worth it to get answers. Also a base line if my cognition should deteriorate in the future. Wendy-yes I try to do brain puzzles like crosswords and Suduko. I do try to compare my brain function pre diagnosis and post diagnosis and I really can’t remember- funny that! I have a professional responsible job that involves Maths!!! Which I do well. So really I do function well but just want answers about my brain. Thank you again so much everyone- I consider you my family hope you don’t mind- for all your kindness and support Min xx

Karen- our posts have just crossed. You have a medical mind. Now I am over the upset I am pleased I did it. I want to know as much as possible what this nasty disease is doing. And maybe my psychologist will give me some coping strategies I haven’t thought of. You would certainly be prepared that it wasn’t a walk In the park. I am sure you will make the right decision for you Min xx Ps well done on the Mathis one

Hi min

You said:

“So testing was probably only 1hr 40min- still a long time. Not sure the name of the tests were but it was NHS appt so I am trusting they were ok . Or is that naive?”

Yes, 1hr 40mins is still a long time.

No, it is not naive. However, what is going through my mind is that the test battery could have been good 30 years ago (so your testing was out of date) or they could still be good (in which case my only issue would be with the stress factor from the time taken), but if the testing was out of date, it means that the psychologist was also out of date (whether young or old, you can still be out of date) and that raises a whole new set of issues.

Do ask the name of the test battery (and use those words). But I give you one thought - you do Suduko - and I cannot. Think about that if you are worried about your cognitive function.


THANKS Geoff you’re a mate Min Xx

Hi I am sorry you went through the same experience as me. Two years ago I was offered this service with the thought it was going to be give me coping strategies for a poor memory, no instead this phsychologist gave me this very long test( the same as the one you were describing) and told me there were perceptual problems then said are you still driving? I was so cross I she wanted to re test me and I told her in no uncertain terms I was very cross and I didn’t want her coming again and upsetting me again and I didnt want it on my notes. I used to be a teacher and know how assessments can be interpretated incorrectly. My suggestion is forget it take it for what it is c…p

Interesting answers to maths question. Maybe the answer was 1 machine. Think it would be silly to have 96 machines -

how would they move about and think of all the diesel they would use.

Like the question :- a bus holds 32,children how many buses are needed for 34 children.

Answer 2 as you can’t have a fraction of a bus.

Don’t worry yourself about the test - it’s not a competition.

Jen x

Blimey that test sounds like a terrible experience. I’m a bit scared about cog-fog myself.

I’m not an expert but I don’t see the point in some of this type of questions.

Questions like the maths questions are surely a matter of practice for most people.

I think the answer of 96 as given by anon above is right - but you could say a practice a lot because I work with numbers in my job, but I can think of a few of my collegeues who don’t have MS-brain and are supposed to be smart would be stuck on the machines question. I can’t do crosswords though!

IQ tests are also a bit rubbish because you can get better at doing them if you practice on similar tests.

I agree with Geoff and robert’s comments .

You might not have done as bad as you fear - by being able to remember some of the questions says something positive about your memory. I would guess it’s not about scoring 100% to pass.

Blimey that test sounds like a terrible experience. I’m a bit scared about cog-fog myself.

I’m not an expert but I don’t see the point in some of this type of questions.

Questions like the maths questions are surely a matter of practice for most people.

I think the answer of 96 as given by anon above is right - but you could say a practice a lot because I work with numbers in my job, but I can think of a few of my collegeues who don’t have MS-brain and are supposed to be smart would be stuck on the machines question. I can’t do crosswords though!

IQ tests are also a bit rubbish because you can get better at doing them if you practice on similar tests.

I agree with Geoff and robert’s comments .

You might not have done as bad as you fear - by being able to remember some of the questions says something positive about your memory. I would guess it’s not about scoring 100% to pass.


I can sympathise - I was exhausted after doing my cognitive testing but they didn’t do any maths luckily!

I had to recall if I remembered seeing certain faces, etc, remember a route round the room, I had a newspaper article read to me and things like that. Then there was a puzzle at the end.

In summary it turned out that my learing of new information was pretty poor and remembering what people have told me too. I scored higher in the visual memory though so I try and use this as a technique to remembering other things.

I felt really thick when at the end I couldn’t even remember the prime minister’s name. lol

I was disappointed with my results BUT then again I was pleased that I wasn’t just imagining that my cognitive skills were getting worse.

The next step is to get help on managing those issues going forward. I hope you also get help in the future.

Take care.

For those of us who took part in the SIMVASTATIN trial, this is the test that we took at three points - beginning, middle and end. See what we went through in the name of science? also of course, to help in the search for a therapy.

B x

I did the same tests, however mine was in 2 sessions of 1hr 30mins each.

I actually enjoyed it as it was a nice way to exercise my brain. I was a sister on a busy childrens ward where i could remember the names and diagnosis of 16 babies as well as what went on with them that day!! Now i can’t even remember if i’ve taken my meds or brushed my teeth!!!

The results of my tests showed that i work better with fewer distractions when i can focus on what needs to be done. I need to have plans and strategies in place in order for me to remember. Things like wall charts, reminders on my phone, calendars, notebooks etc…

Hey lollo interesting you enjoyed your tests. Hmmmmmm! Looking forward to the results- yes Liz to give me some proof for my problems. I wonder if it includes sense of direction. Long weekend in Barcelona - I got so lost - even streets I’d been along before - turned into a total mystery!!! Min Xx

well my friends me again with the results. I did really well. The psychologist, David said I was being too hard on myself. He also said that I have anxiety in relation to my perceived cognitive problems. And based on his test results I have no cognitive problems relating to MS. Forgot to ask him what cognitive problems i have outwith ms - damn memory! And my memory is better than average - ha ha ha. All well and good on paper but in real life I have issues. But then he said everyone does. He suggested anxiety counselling in the form of CBT. I didnt understand everything -damn MS!!!- I am waiting for the full report he sends to my neuro for more explanation - this will include the names of the tests Dr Geoff. The only question I asked for an explanation was the very difficult Maths one about machines. Well he confirmed the question - and with pen and paper I did it I.e answer 96 - well done Karen. But how on earth anyone can be expected to do that in your head is silly. In conclusion results one thing reality another. But I am determined to try and be a happier positive person rather than my natural negative persona. Thanks for reading Hugs Min xx