Decision making on treatment

It’s lovely to hear from you and thank you for enquiring about my progress.
I have made a decision and been in Kesimpta for a few weeks. I just took my 4th dose this week.
So far I had quite strong headaches the first 2 times I took it, my 3rd dose was pain free but with the 4th dose I felt very nauseous and strong headache for a day or so. So it’s not too bad on the whole. The injection process is super easy and pain-free.
I can say that headaches are part of the side effects for me but I hope it will be different for you after your Brabio experience.

Let me know ho you are doing


Oo… so you went for Kesimpta :slight_smile: yeah, lately from what I’ve read about the initial injections doesn’t sound too inspiring but hopefully it is just the first few times…
Also what i didn’t know before, although its a monthly injection, at the start there are some “loading” doses that are injected more frequently? Also from what youve said that in a few weeks you’ve already done 4… is that so that there are frequent injections at the start?

I hope it gets better for you! Good the injections are painfree. Fingers crossed its also my experience with Kesimpta.

Yes, I opted for the at-home method as I didn’t want to have to go to the hospital for the infusions regularly. I find it easier to do it myself - and it’s an easy routine.
Yes, the first few doses are done weekly (over 3 weeks) than a week rest and the 4th dose. After this, it’s a monthly dose (on the same date as your 4th dose so it’s easy to remember).

I am lucky with side effects as they are mild so far.