Am I a hypochondriac?

Thanks, I had my eeg this morning the results weren’t back yet. I don’t want to be sick in hospital over the weekend but I have no choice. I’ve developed a rocking motion now, my body tense up and I put it back in place which results in me rocking pretty bad. My right cramps about three times a day and ends up with cramping in all the muscles in my leg bringing it up and under me, usually digging hard into the side of the bed. I often wake up with this during the night and it feels like I’ve sprained my knee doing it because it’s really painful now. I just don’t know what to do no one knows what wrong with me one nurse didn’t believe that I couldn’t walk any more and made me cry, resulting in a heavy nose bleed which ruined my favourite to ( first day of actually getting dressed I thought I’d wear something I’m really attached to) Sorry for just moaning I’m really fed up I wish I knew what was wrong with me then I could plan my future and whether or not I’ll be able to walk again. Please if love to know if any one has heard of any thing like this before, thank you :slight_smile:

Oh Clo, poor you. Still stuck there. I remember when I was in hospital years ago when I stopped being able to walk suddenly. I started my period and a bitch nurse wouldn’t help me go to the bathroom, because ‘they were too busy’. So when I eventually got taken there on a commode/shower chair, I was dripping blood all across the ward as I was pushed to the loo. I got in the bathroom and just started crying like my heart was breaking. I couldn’t stop. It was the worst time I think I have ever had. Eventually a nice nurse came into the bathroom and was sweet and kind. And some time later, I stopped crying. But losing your mobility very suddenly is frightening and every other feeling you have is multiplied immensely. I don’t know what’s wrong with you. I truly hope you find out soon. And I hope even more that there’s a cure for you. I just want you to know that I’m thinking of you. Sue

Hello, me again Saw a Dr this morning he said that he can’t find where wrong with me and he sees no reason why I can go home. I really really want to go home but I’ve been walking with a frame, which hasn’t even been issued to me. I can’t sit up straight any more because my muscles in my back contract and pull me forward until I’m sat with my chest on my knees. He kept asking if I’m under stress, which I’m not compared to when I was carrying for my terminally I’ll mum a few years ago. He asked if anything going on at home would have caused this, I don’t know what he means and when I asked him to explain he just told me to think about it. I’ve been here for a week and four days yet no one has really assessed my abilities in walking and standing. A physiotherapist was supposed to come see me but never showed up about a week ago. A neurologist was supposed to be seeing me but they can’t get hold of one. I really really want to go home but I also really need to know what’s wrong with me and how to plan my future and if I’ll need help at home. I’m not sure if it’s the drugs they’re giving me but I’m so dizzy it keeps feeling like my bed is calling under me Sorry to keep moaning on this forum bless all who read those post.