When to contact ms nurse

As you will gather from this I do dither a lot :woman_facepalming:t2:

I saw the Neuro dec 31st and she was going to write to my gp to restart gabapentin. I’ve still not heard anything and although I know Neuro tend to work to their own time zone the pain is really kicking my butt.

My first thought was the secretary but I’ve not had much luck in the past is the ms nurse able to help with such things?

Also I’ve been feeling so rough no obvious cause and unless (and it’s plausible) I’ve been eating too quickly I’m getting a tightness around my lower ribs and pain. It’s so uncomfortable it’s making me fling me bra off just to feel a little ease :joy: is it worth telling the nurse I can’t be relapsing so quickly after my last in November so I’m assuming it’s just the remnants of it.

Thanks in advance!


Have you got the NHS app as you can see when they receive correspondence and the letter itself. Sometimes they’re running behind with dictating letter etc, I would maybe contact the neurologist and give them a gentle nudge or you could speak with your GP as they should be able to do a prescription for gabapentin for you. You shouldn’t be in pain they have a duty of care. Hope you manage to get sorted. Oh the tightness you’re experiencing could be reflux, or just down to eating to quickly and I’ve found MS has slowed down transit times of food, I don’t know if this is common or not.x

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Thank you for the advice I do have online records but nothing showing yet. Things in the whole digestive/bowel/bladder region are definately not what they were. I get awful rumbling when I drink/ eat and nausea too so it could be a ms thing. Problem is working out what’s ms related or not. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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I’ve had IBS for years with gord, but MS has made things 100 times worse. I’m under urology and have been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder, so have to self catheterise 3 times daily. Also the MS nerve damage has caused horrible constipation. Reflux is horrible and given me loads of food allergies, and medication allergies. I have found since starting my DMT there’s been a slight improvement in my digestion. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself as sometimes it’s the only way to get things sorted out. Speak with your doctor as he can make referrals for you to see specific specialists to address issues.

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