I have SPMS, diagnosed in September.
Having been off work for several months now, I am struggling to find a solution for returning to work.
After a bit of a break down ( which I am unsure whether it was caused by the lesions in my brain), I have been struggling with decreasing mobility, constant pain in my legs , back and hips, as well as hypersensitive legs and strange sensation .
All this can lead to restless nights, combined with MS fatigue, I am struggling to regain a routine.
Can anyone out there suffering with SPMS offer advice for returning and remaining at work.
Any advice or suggestions would be very grateful.
Hi Ethan, has your Neurologist discussed/offered DMT(s)?
There are also a number of medications for symptoms - ie. the pain, I am on a combination of Gabapentin and Amitriptyline for the pain my MS causes, would’t be able to function without it. (Gabapentin is an anti-epileptic drug and Amitriptyline is an anti-depressant - both used for the side effects of scrambling the pain receptors in your brain, which reduces/stops the neuropathic pain of MS). Your GP is capable of prescription these medications.
Your Neurologist should be able to refer you for physiotherapy as well, that can help with mobility.
Occupational Health can check out your place of work, and provide ideas for reasonable adjustments there, including a phased return to work.
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Hi Theresa,
Thanks for that. I am on anitripsiline at the moment, and sertraline.
Legs still sore constantly. I have asked for a referral to OT and physio but still waiting.
I was told DMTs would not help as it is secondary. Not sure if that’s correct.
It’s the fatigue that is causing me the most problems at the moment.
Thanks for your advice. I think I am only venting my frustration on the form 
Hi Ethan-Hawley, Sorry to hear about your diagnoses, like you I went straight in at SPMS and I had to finish work at 47yrs, I’m going to be 66yrs, so a while ago. When I was first diagnosed I was monitered me for 18mths to see how I went on and although I was progressing, I wasn’t having relapses, so therefore DMT’s wouldn’t work, so I thinking that’s the way you are, we progress off the lesions that are already there. Further MRI’s have showed some very small new lesions on my scans but nothing mayor. I really like to give advice on returning to work, but sadly can’t. As far as the pain goes I now don’t take anything, as Gabepentin stopped working, pregabalin made me depressed, haven’t tried any others, I prefer to use cold pads for the heat and cold blankets too and when the ice cold feeling kicks in I like to use heat, wear layers, but I also found a mini electric blanket on the Argos site to use on my back, it’s really good.
Anyway, good luck, keep safe and keep warm.
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Thanks for that Jean. Appreciated