Waiting on a Diagnosis - Salbs

Evening all,

So I’ve been having some memory and recall issues over the past few years.

Pretty minor up until the last few months where it’s got worse daily (mixing words up, getting names/taking a while to form sentences/items wrong).

This took a turn on Tuesday where I woke with dead legs and had been suffering with a terrible eye/head pain all weekend. I took Bella out for a walk around the block and ended up collapsing outside the house (thankfully) with severe muscle spasms for 2hrs.

The kids were amazing and called me an ambulance and one of my daughters ensured I didn’t bang my head whilst my arms and legs were spasming.

Conscious throughout and able to talk.

Ambulance, CT scan and bloods.

Don’t have a blood clot, not had a heart attack, have exceptionally low cholesterol (bonus), extremely low VitD. Heart rate didn’t go above 103 (resting is about 41)

Had a few similar episodes since then and had a bad one on Friday which resulted in another trip to A&E - no blue lights this time. Nothing they can give me medically until I get a diagnosis.

So the bottom line.

Still having an attack of some sought; although they’ve be letting up this evening.

Got my Open referral > Private Neurologist booked for Tuesday > MRI > EEG/EEM > Specialist Bloods are all in hand for the end of the week.

My mind is still VERY sharp; it’s just that I can’t transfer that much to speech or a movement.

My Mum has had MS (PPMS) since 1998.

Thanks for listening.