Should I be feeling more positive?

So about 6 months ago I had some pins and needles in my hands and I had abit of a vision flashing sort of like a migraine! My doctor referred me for a scan and I then saw a neurologist.

The scan had show up areas of white matter. However he said it was less likely to be MS due to the location of the white matters, they weren’t in the areas they would associate with MS. And said that they could be caused by infrequent migraine and hypertension (which I have).
He said he would send me for another scan in 6months to see if there were any changes.
The scan is now imminent and I can’t help but be worried again.
I have sensations of very light pins and needles in my leg which comes and goes very quickly but I’m not sure if this is me over thinking and my anxiety!
Should I be feeling more positive than I am? Why would he scan me again if he didn’t think it was anything?
All this has started since I gave birth to my first and I have a bulging disc at L5 l4. Maybe it’s that that’s causing the problems but then it doesn’t explain the white matters.
I’m so confused and scared.

I don’t think there’s any right or wrong way to feel to be honest, ultimately whether you worry or not whatever is going to be will be. If you had had just the one scan and been it wasn’t MS, the fact you still have the symptoms would mean you were still worrying anyway I would think. What you have now is a baseline that they can use to compare the second scan against, so the neurologist Will have more information at his fingertips.

I would start to make a list of all of the questions that you’ve got about what could be potential symptoms of something so that you can ask the neurologist, there are no stupid questions and he will know that you’re worried about it and will want to put your mind at ease by answering all of your questions. If you only remember the questions after you leave the room then you’ll be kicking yourself and you’ll still be worrying about them.

Fingers crossed for you :slight_smile:

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Perfectly normal to feel anxious about health issues! Would I be correct in thinking that when you refer to findings of white matter you mean lesions in white matter / white brain tissues as opposed to grey matter?

I am absolutely no medic but from reading around and from stuff I’ve learned since my MS diagnosis, lesions can result from migraines ( and by circulatory problems) and on their own aren’t a definitive diagnosis of MS

I know it will be difficult but try to take heart from the fact that whatever the cause, it looks as if it’s being monitored and one way of another will be addressed.

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Thankyou for your response.
Yes as far as I know it is white matter not grey

Thankyou so much for your response.
Yes that’s a good idea, I have my scan in a few weeks and was told he would write to me with the results and then I see him in clinic but not until a few months. The wait is painful.