
Hi all, I was in hospital during summertime last year with what was thought at the time to be a stroke. Prior to admission I had experienced tingling in my head followed by right sided weakness. My mobility returned to normal after 2 weeks. I had an MRI scan done while I was in hospital, apparantly the results were more in line with MS than stroke, and all tests I have had since episode have showed no relation to stroke. I suffer from really sore hands and feet, i regularly wake up at night with pain/numbness/tingling in my arms and hands and I get really restless legs throughout the day. I have now been referred to neurology for further testing and am feeling rather lost as I had never in a million years thought that I might have MS. Doc has now put me on medication to try and help with muscle pain. Any advice?

Hello and welcome to the site :slight_smile:

A few thoughts spring to mind…

Firstly, please know that MS is not the end of the world. People with MS still do most of the normal stuff that other people do like get married, have kids, work, travel, etc, and, while it can be difficult at times, it is still perfectly possible for the vast majority of us to live long and happy lives. Life can still be good :slight_smile:

The next piece of advice is very much easier to say than do: try not to worry and try to keep an open mind. There are actually a whole load of conditions that mimic MS symptoms and even MRI findings, some of which are treatable. Also, if your current symptoms are leftover from that attack in the summer, there is a very real chance that you do not have MS and may never have it: to be diagnosed with MS, a person needs to have had a year of gradually worsening symptoms or to have had at least two attacks - this is because there are various conditions (e.g. ADEM) that happen just the once. Unfortunately, this means that working out what’s going on can be complicated and take quite a long time. So you need to be prepared for a bit of a long haul :frowning:

In the meantime, please ask your GP for something for your pain. Neuropathic painkillers, such as amitriptyline, gabapentin and pregabalin, can be really effective for pain, tingling, pins & needles, etc. Getting pain under control can make a huge difference! (BTW, these meds often cause short-term side effects so the first few weeks can be tricky.)

I hope the referral doesn’t take too long!

Karen x

Hi and thank you for your reply. I know I should not be worrying about something I have no control over as such, so I guess I gotta just put it to the back of my mind until I see neurologist. From looking through this site I have seen that life does go on after being diagnosed, and i love how positive folk on here are and how supportive the site is :slight_smile:

Thanks again! x