quick question ...

Can anybody tell me if dissasociative disorder and find are the same thing, if not what are the differences…

Thanks x

Sorry that was ment to say dissasociative disorder and fnd …

Sorry hun - I don’t know the answer to that one. Giving you a bump though

PG x

No, they are not the same thing, I have a dissociative disorder, and the best way I can describe it is like a threshold, when my stress levels go beyond that threshold I lose a sense of my surroundings but have sense of self, my eye sight and hearing go funny as it’s over stimulation. It can be similar as it is a reaction to stress levels but fnd is more chronic whereas dissociation is a reaction to a situation and immediate but will go, it is transient not constantly ongoing, it’s more of a coping strategy for the brain for that specific moment, like when I am in a big crowd or overly stressed I will dissociate sometimes lose time for a few hours until I am out of that situation, what I’m aware of fnd is that it goes on until diagnosed and treatment is available and it can be relieved. It is similar in that it is a reaction to stress, can be described as a coping strategy but I think that’s how far similarities go. I don’t know if I have fnd as I haven’t seen a neurologist yet. But if you think you have it or have been diagnosed, don’t worry you’ll be in good hands, have cbt or therapy, it may be a slow road but as long as you persist you’ll get there in the end. Take care!

Well Little Sparrow…thankyou for that clear explanation of the disorder. Made interesting reading.

luv Pollx

Thank you little sparrow that was totally understanding although I really don’t think that’s what I have I don’t feel anything like that, no disrespect to your health, but I just don’t understand why this is something a neuro thinks I might have after spending 5 minutes with me a few questions and a very lame examination, and says in a report to my gp that he thinks I might have a dissasociative Disorder and he is now sending me to see a neuro physiotherapist that’s has lots of experience in this field. I have osteoarthritis as well as other problems been diagnosed partially sighted, have very bad mobility problems had sensory assessment and had a occupational therapist adapt my home, iv had problems with my neurological system and had operations because of also have a c6 fracture from a car accident, surely I havnt imagined all this or made it all up, I don’t no what a physio can do for me… I’m just so confused and fed up…

Just wanted to say again thank you again little sparrow and I wish u health and happiness x