PIP - An Independant review

The 1st independent review into Personal Independance Payment has been published and is available to read on www.gov.uk

This is written by Paul Gray and looks at responses from individuals who have gone thru the assessment, disability groups & the people assessing the applications.

Although 83 pages long it is an interesting read.


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Might be more helpful to link to the actual document, rather than the whole of .gov.uk

Let’s see if this works (it’s a pdf): https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/387943/pip-assessment-first-independent-review-print.pdf


P.S. Although the link works for me, I have to resize it to a manageable size once it opens. Don’t know if this will be the same for everyone, or if I just have weird default settings somehow.

Link works for me.


Thanks Geoff - did for me too (I tested), but just thought I’d better mention it doesn’t open in a readily readable size for me, by default (too big, not too small). In case people opened it and can’t make sense of what they see - you need to shrink it to fit the screen.


Thanks for this, Neil. As a former civil servant, of 30 years standing, I recommend reading the Executive Summary. It gives an overview of the content and will point you in the direction of the bits you want to read more about.


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