My intro

My name is Darren.
I was diagnosed with RRMS in May 2021. Not as long ago as many of you, but I may have had symtoms at 17 yrs old back in 1984. I was diagnosed with epilepsy and control in a year with anti convulsants that are being used to control pain now in MS.
I take a multitude of supplements, eat well, drink water, exercise and do oxygen therapy twice a week.
I am learning to control my fatigue by taking things slower than my brain tells me too.
On Ocrevus to slow progression, according to my MRI results.
Using LDN to increase energy levels which seems to be working hand in hand with Ocrevus.
I am always researching effective therapies to try n gain some kind of normality.
Before LDN 10 pushups at a time was enough, now 40 pushups non stop is achievable.
I have cut out sugar where i can and now stay away from dairy products, coconut milk is not bad at all.
Hoping research finds better ways to managed this disease.


Hi Darren. I was diagnosed some 18 years ago. I expect that like most people, the diagnosis was something that extended over a fair few months and like you , I think the symptoms started some years before that (possibly 20-25 years).

Interesting to hear about the LDN. My ‘regime’ ( when I remember to follow it) is sort of based around that described in Overcoming MS ( see the website - and a better title would be living with MS). Basically exercise, diet and what you could call ‘ calming the mind and body’ through meditation/ mindfulness sessions. Diet is one of reducing intake of saturated fats while increasing unsaturated ones. I now can’t remember exactly why but I swapped milk for oat/rice/ almond ‘milks’ years ago and I long , long ago cut out sugar.

My latest thing is intermittent fasting (see link below) following an 8 hour slot when I eat and 16 hour fasting. I’m sort of surprised that I am managing fine with the 16 h of fasting.

Hi, thanks for your story Hank.
Fasting, as i read, is a possibiloty but its not for me.
Good luck on yours

I also take Alpha Lipoic Acid tablets although for whatever reason I’ve neglected this recently.

Not sure that the ALA I take is the same as the MS Society is using in one of it’s funded trials (see link) but it might be doing me some good ( or might have absolutely no impact)

Hi, I spoke with a district nurse who rightly said, we dont know if things are working or not, how do we know that the MS is just not up or down, not the meds or supplements helping…:thinking:
All we can do is try things, dont give up, if it works or has a placebo effect, it is how we feel, that matters, :fu:t2: