Moving to France


I am 64 years old and still fit and active. I currently take Pregabalin, Duloxetine and Omeprazole just to control excessive heartburn. I have check ups with my MS nurses once a year, and also with my Neurologist once a year.

My wife and I have decided to move to France and I am very keen to know how things work there and how much things are likely to cost. Here in the UK my prescriptions are free as I am over 60 and the MS nurses and Neurologist visits are also free under the NHS. I am assuming that this is unlikely to be the case in France but would appreciate some idea of what it is likely to cost?

Obviously with Brexit everything is up in the air, but if I could get an idea now that at least would be a help!



Hi Steve,

It is very encouraging to hear you are 64 and still active and fit. I’m 32 and diagnosed about 6 years ago but only recently started DMD and have been very worried about my future and mobility/disability. Anyway, best of luck with the move. I’ve been told that my plegridy injections are approx £500 per injection which are taken fortnightly. My MS nurse gave me this info and I’m not sure how accurate it is as it was a throw away comment she made.

Best wishes.