HI Everyone

I’m interested knowing what has been the most beneficial to all of us. Whether it be advice or the help from loved ones. I cannot say rebif has helped yet because i have only been injecting it for 6 months. Having a low level walk in shower has been a huge help. Social worker helped with having shower fitted, i can’t believe i’m writing that. The most for me is netflix, **** all else on followed closly by my wife to be. She kill me for saying that, nevermind.

keep smiling


Without a doubt-my Mum.

She had hysterectomy, mastectomy, chemo and radio therapy-cancer was in her lymphatic system-Dr’s told her there was nothing else that they could do for her and she would be dead within 2 years. That was 19 years ago…

I get my ‘attitude’ from her. Shes no ‘fighter’,and neither am I. Illnesses became part of us-unwanted-but fighting was not an option-accepting and coping in our own unique way is the key to our survival. Shes visiting me this week (she stays abroad and I dont see her often enough) Dr’s dont know everything, our bodies are miracle machines, too many of us under-estimate the power of the mind and how our thoughts affect our physical health. Since diagnosis I have learnt so much from Mum, and her from me.

So to answer your question-MIND before MEDICINE every time for me (tho they both have their roles)

Ellie x

hi Ellie what a wonderfull thing to read. If that don’t bring hope to all of us i don’t know what will. Given me a boost x

Give your mum a big hug from me next time you see her…she`s a wondermum alright!

luv Pollx

Thanks Poll

Its just 2 sleeps til I see her-canny wait!!!

E xxx