landmark day

Today is a landmark day for me as I officially become an OAP!! I am now in receipt of my state pension. One good thing is I won’t have two years fill in the ESA forms anymore.

Yeh OK, the PIP forms will be landing on my door mat sometime this year!


Seems some words have come out wrong in my post ie ‘won’t have two years’ etc. What I meant was I won’t have to fill in anymore ESA forms in.


Your birthday today then Poll,or are me and my very addled neuron missing something.Happy birthday if it is.

Actually, 14 years ago today I went to see the GP knowing things were wrong,and never worked as a Fire Fighter again.Actually,worked and again don’t really apply there.


Congratulations Poll. What a big relief for you. No more stress of filling those nasty ESA forms in


hello poll

many happy returns! hope you are doing something nice to mark the occasion. remember that you can’t buy drinks and don’t have to do any chores on your birthday. mrs f.o. thinks that you don’t even have to be nice to other on birthdays…

anyway, back to you ‘for she’s a jolly good fellow’ etc.

fluffyollie xx

Many Happy Pensions Poll.

Jan x

Nay lads and lasses, it in’t me birthday…not till 1st Oct. The govt decided to pay my pension at 62.5 years young!


Happy pension day Poll, hope its a good one.

Pam x

Happy pension day Poll, if anyone deserves it, it is you. Happy days

