Just a thought

I have spent many hours in A & E recently. There is no privacy and there is just a paper curtain between you and the next bed. Overheard the details of a frail, elderly person who was in a lot of pain. The doctor spoke to the accompanying relative and they were going to discharge. The relative said no, that’s no possible and gave an explanation/reasons. Within 10 mins the person was admitted with a view to managing the pain, getting a home assessment and other tests. If the relative had taken the first discharge the patient would be home with some paracetemol.

Accepting that the NHS is stretched, doctors are under a huge amount of pressure to get people discharged. It seems to me that if it is possible to provide reasoned arguments as to other/better courses of action then there is the prospect of a lot of suffering being avoided. At the end of the day if people are pushed aside then there will be further admissions and the overall cost will just grow.

I know there is a limit of funds, but it seems to me that he who shouts loudest…

For me it was the other way around the dr told me in the morning that after my lumbar puncture and steroids I would be able to go home, 9 hours later they admitted me and kept me in for 4 days. When I saw the neurologist he told me they didn’t need to keep me in they were just being cautious. I needed admitting incase the infection they found was bacterial meningitis but after they found out it wasn’t and took me off antibiotics (the next day) they should have let me go. Probably why there are no beds when people need them.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease!

In this world there are a lot of time wasters and free loaders. Tthose in genuine need for help will tough it out until their needs are met.

The relapse that gave way to my diagnosis saw me visit the local A&E three times over the course of a week; easily over 12 hours total waiting. Such efforts will get you CAT scans, MRIs and a neurologist in front of you pretty quickly!

Agreed. Sometimes you have to be a bit selfish and push for the treatment you need.

I presented at A&E twice the same week before eventually being admitted. At that point I was practically blind and just slightly hysterical. MRI and lumber puncher was done within an hour and I started IV steroids the same day.

Since then I’ve strongly self advocated for further investigation and treatment. I’m confident if I hadn’t been so tenacious I wouldn’t be diagnosed now let alone on a highly efficient DMT. Time is brain and all that.

Yep, it must be a helluva difficult job when deciding if someone should be admitted or sent home. If there are the right services in place, then a person could go home with support…mmm…?
