Hei all!
I’m Cathi, 50, in London. Have had a challenging few years, medical menopause, bike accident then diagnosed with 3PD, Vestibular Migraine, Fatigue, Audio Processing Disorder and a couple of other bits. Did loads of PT to help with the chronic vertigo but couldn’t shake the fatigue or migraines. Roll on to August this year and went numb from the chest down, MRI in October and clear cervical lesions so can now add MS to the list.
Hoping to get a better handle on how to manage this and have an appointment with the MS clinic in Jan.
Looking forward to chatting to others and rebuilding a positive outlook.
Hi Cathi
Sorry to hear you have been through a lot lately, but welcome to the forum where lots of help is available.
Take care
Pam x
Welcome to the club. Examined through the retrospectoscope, maybe an MS dx will at least help you rationalise a few items on that impressive and exotic list of ailments! Of course you might have had all those things, but in your shoes I would be asking the question about whether MS was at work all along.
I’m sorry that you have been having such a rough time and hope that you reach calmer waters soon…
Hi Cathy, from David, live outside Glasgow, diagnosed around 18 years ago. Still mobile but not for more than 10 or so minutes of straight walking.