Getting through the drudge

Hello you kind people.

I’m inclined to post little snippets of the lost weeks. I was and still am, receiving tremendous support; apart from this morning’s district nurse who ignored what I said and spoke to the carers even though I had the answers to her questions.

When she did communicate, she spoke loudly and slowly, becoming a little confused at my sardonic grin.

Anyway, here are the short snippets:


Well written as always, conjuring a somewhat dystopian view of our much loved NHS.

My experience of NHS professionals largely reinforces my view that they, in the main, take a dim view of irony.

Your powers of observation and dark humour should see you through; who knows, they may have been extracting black bile from your innards?


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Steve , I love the way you discibe it all, you always have an amazing sense of humour. it’s not great the way they patronize you , you’d think they would talk to you not the carers … You might have been poorly but you haven’t lost your marbles. Michelle and Frazer xx

Gah, where did my comment go?! OK, it might have been late when I read it so I may have been a bit foggy… good read anyway

Sonia x