Feel Broken

Hi Polly

So glad you have chatted to your Dad, he will talk to your Mum. Its difficult for parents, cos there job is to make sure nothing or no one hurts their children, and as we all know, you can’t do that with ms.

It will be easier now for you, the ice has been broken, onwards and upwards now.

Pam x


Love to all you guys and I wish us all a great day

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Thanks Don, same back to you!

Nina x

Don, I hope a few days’ rest has helped and you no longer feel so broken.

Polly, I’m glad your dad is being supportive - now he understands about your MS, he will be able to help your mum understand. (My parents are the other way around - my mum talks about it, my dad doesn’t - though I know mum tells him the important stuff and he’d rather not know some details!)

Now, if only my balance would get back to normal (i.e. iffy rather than weeble impersonations every time I walk) and if only this cold would go away, everything would be wonderful! Yeah, right, in my dreams!


Aw sorry, I’m late but wanted to say Hi. Hope you’re feeling recouperated

Sonia x


YAH I AM FEEL MUCH MORE BETTERIST, BETTERIST is when you feel better but even more soand feeling much more besterist is an even better for of Betterist not to the besterist stage yet. This is an example of silly talk used on building sites by grown men who dont want to grow up, my besterist best mate never made old bones but his stupidist talk still lives on via me. Enough about my past YESTERDAY cloudy dull day decice to go shopping get way laid counting ships sun comes out end up sitting overlooking the beach at Hythe at the Royal Military canal eating egg and bacon rolls the Ice cream at Deal Beach Parlour in Deal and a cuppa at Sandwich befor home I will do a blog post with more flesh on it on http://disableddon.blogspot.co.uk/


ps tired again today


for my exploits