Fed up! Sorry but I am.

I have always had periods of times where I have found it difficult at dizziness or problems. After my son was born eight years ago I started having problems with vomiting and nausea. This was put down to a condition called gastroparesis I also had problems with my love about as it seemed to stop working and I had colonic inertia.After my son was born eight years ago I started having problems with vomiting and nausea. This was put down to a condition called gastroparesis I also had problems with my love about as it seemed to stop working and I had: the Kenosha Last year this became such an issue that I have ended up in a wheelchair as I am unable to work due to the weakness in my legs. Obviously I had numerous tests. My MRI I have always had periods of times where I have found it difficult at dizziness or problems. Last year this became such an issue that I have ended up in a wheelchair as I am unable to work due to the weakness in my legs. Obviously I had numerous tests. My MRI showed T2 weighted lesions in my periventricular region. This led my neurologist to say to me that he felt that I had a demyelinating disorder likely to be Multiple Sclerosis. I then had further tests and my lumber puncture was clear.

The next time I saw him he had decided I had functional neurological disorder based on the fact that my lumber puncture was clear.

I did question this saying that the areas of damage in my brain were actually in correlation with the damage that was in my body and also that I have one optic disc that is misshapen and pale and the other is fine which could indicate that I had had optic neuritis previously. Being a nurse in my previous life I did feel that it was correct to question what he was saying. He immediately said he would happily refer me to a multiple sclerosis specialist in our area for a second opinion

My problem is that looking up FND it is a diagnosis that should not be made on the absence of positive test results but on the fact that that is your clinical opinion from day one which was not the case in my situation.

My real concern is that I am not able to access any treatment either for MS or for FND so I am being left in a really poor state of health without any support and this is causing me deep distress