Falls made m.s worse now have O/A as well

Hi I was diagnosed in 2013 but on reflection like so many of us say , it started way before then .
I used to fall a lot before diagnosis and put it down to clumsiness, my gp at the time showed no concern or interest
Now I have m.s and osteoarthritis, if I was to see that specimen of a doctor again I would… well best not say :zipper_mouth_face:
I was wondering if this a common occurrence with m.s .
Thankyou for reading this :blush: and wishing everyone the very best xx

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Hi Linda

Unfortunately this is all too common. I first had symptoms in 2010 but was not diagnosed until 2012 and I had to pay to see a private neurologist and have an MRI to get a diagnosis. Around £1500 in total but it was worth it to finally get answers. GPs are just that, general practitioners who do their best but are not trained in such misunderstood diseases.